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Improving job performance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

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Improving job performance - Assignment Example

Even small rewards might be keep us going forward and motivate for accomplishment of tasks. Reward and compensation play a key role to maintain a healthy lifestyle in your society.
Fair and practical organizational policies play a vital role in the interest of organizations because the implementation of individual’s perceptions of injustice can be colliding with working attitudes and behaviors. Issues related to Justice and fair policies included perceptions of fair wages or salaries, equivalent opportunity for promotion, and employee’s selection procedures.
Salary is the best reward for any individual. Among different types of performance-based rewards, yearly bonus compensation is common in all organization. (Gomez-Mejia, and Werner 159-160) Organization offers such a plan for their staff, where they receive some percentages on salaries as a bonus annually.
Sometimes non-monetary rewards are motivated to employees to perform in a better manner.